Tuesday 5 January 2016

Face Mapping: What Is Your Acne Telling You?

Have you ever wonder why your pimples are kept appearing on the same spot of your face over and over again? There is a theory called “face mapping” that suggests the location of your acne could present clues about what’s causing it. Traditional Chinese medicine, for example, maintains that a weakness or toxicity in a certain organ or gland in the body can result in acne showing up in certain areas of the skin. You can use this theory to do some detective work on your breakouts.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Skin pH Level

When I attended to the GuaSha facial training session, the trainer kept emphasised that it is very important to choose the skincare products that have the right pH level, if not don't buy??????

pH is a chemist's term meaning "Potential of Hydrogen" and it refers to the degree of acidity or alkalinity in our outer skin layers. It is measured on a scale ranging from 0 to 14 where the centre of the scale 7 is neutral and a reading <7 is acidic and >7 is alkaline.

Normal skin pH is said to be somewhat acidic and in the range of 4.2 to 5.6, so ideally we want our skincare products to have a balance pH level of 5.5 so that it does not alter the skin's natural protective capabilities. Too high or too low of pH level can cause our skin's acid mantle to break down or skin will become over drying. Besides, pH imbalance is widely known to be the most critical cause of acne. Hence, maintaining the skin pH at the natural pH no greater than 5.5 is vital to prevent acne, infection, irritation and more importantly slows down the skin aging.
What causes pH to become imbalance? Pollution, UV rays, changes in diet and hormones can cause the acid mantle to break down and make our skin more alkaline. You may also like to know that each time we wash our skin, the balance of acidity in our skin is distorted due to the alkaline in water and it can take half an hour or longer for the normal pH level to be restored. The bad news is, the older you are the longer it will take to regain its acidity. To slow down the skin aging, one of the solutions is to make sure you use a cleanser that is mild and have the right pH level of 5.5, also apply toner straight after each time you clean your face. with the right toner, your skin's pH level is immediately restored to its optimum range. 
So let's get yourself some test strips (this can be purchased online, it costs around $7.00 for 400 strips) and have a fun experiment with all of your skincare products, even your body wash or shampoo. Have them all test out and see which one is passing :)

I just did a test on my toner, it seems to have the right
pH level of 5.5