What Is GuaSha Facial

Two years ago I was invited by a friend to attend a GuaSha facial training session, when I first heard about GuaSha facial my first response was “really can you do GuaSha on the face?”. GuaSha is well known to me, when I was young, so often I saw my parents did GuaSha on their backs whenever they felt unwell. It looked quite red for a few days after they had it done, so how can it be performed on the face? With the curiosity, I then decided to go to the training session. I was quite surprised that there were quite a lot of young mums like me who attended this training session. I guess we all wanted to find a solution to prolong our youthful look!
To start with, the trainer was asking for a volunteer but none of us was willing to put our hands up, I think we all afraid of the “what if” results. So without a choice, the trainer just picked a man to be his model. The whole process took around half an hour or so plus 15mins of masking, the end result was remarkable. To my surprise, the man’s face didn’t look red as I thought it would be, instead he looked quite fresh, brighter and younger. His eye bags were reduced, wrinkles and fines on his forehead were lighter, and his express lines were less visible, the whole face was lifted wow!
When I came home I went online to do further research on GuaSha facial to reassure what I’ve learnt and saw on that day was not a fault claimed. To some of you who wonder what does GuaSha mean? Gua means scrape, Sha means sand or toxins and congestion. GuaSha Facial is derived from the traditional scraping treatment most often performed on a patient’s back. This version requires extreme care, as skin around the face is more sensitive and thinner than the skin on the back. The technique includes the use of a small board tool to gently massage, manipulate and stimulate certain energy points along the face to promote Qi (energy) flow and remove toxins. Its beauty benefits include reducing the appearance of wrinkles, sagging, dark eye circles, puffy eyes, age spots, discolorations and overall dull complexion.
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